Apart from the quality, a big difference between us and other art reproduction companies, is that if you're looking to order more than 4 paintings with us, and if you need us to, we will come and visit you, show you examples of our artwork and measure up your walls too. Meaning that you will get the perfect sized paintings for your wall space and we'll do all the work! Regretably, you'll need to live in Kuala Lumpur to enjoy this Service.
Lower quality oil replicas lack so much of the finer details, that it makes the end result look poor and cheap. If you compare us to other art reproduction companies you will notice a substantial difference in quality. Why? All of our artist is from Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam, and have been educated and classically trained. We also worked with talented and expereince local artist to achieve high quality results. They expertly take the time to study what they've been asked to paint and painstakingly replicate even the smallest of details. This really makes the difference to your fine art reproduction oil painting and is definitely what distinguishes us from the other replica companies. That is why even museums and owners of original paintings commission their replicas with us. You can find out more on testimonials page.
To paint the highest possible quality art reproductions, our artists generally study and work from high quality prints. If we cannot find a good enough image or print of your painting to work from, we often have to unfortunately turn down the job. We need to feel proud of what we paint just as much as you do when displaying it. As such, we will only accept your commission if we know we can paint you a fantastic museum quality oil painting.